Friday, May 8, 2009


What To Do When There Is Judgment In The Land
Part Four

Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

Dr. Billye Brim wrote- “In Egypt at the first Passover, they applied the blood with a hyssop branch. Since the Lord’s Passion, we apply the Blood by faith. Because we believe in the power of the Blood in our hearts, we apply the Blood with our mouths over the doorposts of our lives.”[1]

Andrew Murray wrote- “As we seek to find out what the Scripture teaches about the blood, we shall see that faith in the blood, even as we now understand it, can produce in us greater results than we have yet known, and in future, a ceaseless blessing may be ours. The blood of Jesus is described as a ‘fountain opened for sin and uncleanness’ (Zechariah 13:1). By the power of the Holy Spirit it streams through the heavenly Temple. By faith I place myself in closest touch with this heavenly stream. I yield myself to it, I let it cover me, and go through me. I bathe in the fountain. It cannot withhold its cleansing and strengthening power. I must in simple faith turn away from what is seen, to plunge into that spiritual fountain, which represents the Savior’s blood, with the assurance that it will manifest its blessed power in me.”[2]

Protection from Earthquakes
In her book, “Under His Wings”, Mrs. Carrie Judd Montgomery said she would never forget the earthquake of April 18, 1906, when she was awakened with a peculiar sense of imminent danger. She believed that God wanted her to by faith put the blood of Jesus over their house and Home of Peace nearby. Then she went back to sleep, “When I again awakened, the house was rocking violently and it seemed almost as through it were lifting from its foundation.”[3] Although there was widespread damage, no damage was done to her home or the House of Peace.

Los Angeles had the strongest earthquake in the history of the city which registered 6.6 January 17, 1994. Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Brenda Steen of Thousand Oaks, CA had been teaching their church body (adults and children) every Sunday evening for several months. The night before the earthquake the Lord told her to “Make much of the blood.” They concluded their service that evening with every family taking communion together, the head of each household serving their family members. Pastor Brenda Steen said, “I don’t care if we do live in Southern California. I don’t care if my house is on top of a fault line; my house will not be destroyed.” At 4:31am the next morning the 6.6 earthquake hit and every member of that church was spared. Their home, businesses, whatever they covered in blood was spared.

My favorite story is of the overcoming victory in a mobile home park. Jennifer Clark recalls, “Our house was shaking violently. I could feel the back end of the house being lifted off the jack stands. Our waterbed was thrown in the air. I screamed, ‘In the Name of Jesus, I pray the Blood of Jesus over my children, myself and my house!’ Instantly, the house settled back in place. “Then I heard our ten-year-old daughter, Christina, shout, ‘I plead a Blood ring around this whole park!’ The next morning I saw indentations in a perfect line marking where the trailer had lifted on one end and wrinkled the metal. I believe when I prayed an angel set my home back down.” Fifty to ninety percent of all homes in mobile home parks in the area were devastated. Yet, in Jennifer Clark’s mobile home park, only three out of 240 were lost. Jennifer believes those three were damaged before Christiana got the words ‘I plead a Blood ring around this whole park’ out of her mouth.[4] (I sat next to a member of this church during a flight and was fascinated as she recalled all the miracles that happened at that time because they had an understanding of the power of the Blood of Jesus.)

In the spring of 2005, Prophet Chuck Pierce of Glory to Zion Ministries gave a prophetic word for the Gulf Coast. (Sorry, I have mislaid that prophetic word) He said that Galveston would be shaken for three days with a terrible storm. II Chronicles 20:20 says, “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets and you shall prosper.” We believed that warning and intercessors all over the island began to pray and put a Blood line around Galveston Island. Hurricane Rita came in with a vengeance and was feared to totally wipe out the island. At the last minute it turned, lessened in force and went into the Golden Triangle area of East Texas. The months prior to that hurricane I taught many messages at my weekly Bible Study. Before we evacuated we took communion and put our trust on the Blood of Jesus.

Scorpions, Poisonous Attacks, Disease
Kenneth E. Hagin relates this story in The Triumphant Church:
A missionary told an interesting testimony once about the power in the blood of Jesus for protection. This woman was left alone in a mission station in a foreign field, and a peculiar kind of scorpion was common in that area. Its stings were deadly: no one had ever survived who was stung by it. This missionary was down in the village one day, and one of these deadly scorpions stung her. It scared her at first because she was alone in the missionary station; all the other missionaries were gone. She related, “At first, I panicked. Then I just said, “I plead the blood of Jesus against this scorpion and sting.” The natives in that area all watched her, expecting her to fall down dead. But she never did swell up or show any sign of sickness whatsoever. Those natives watched her as she went on about her business. In fact, the whole village followed her around because they were sure she was going to die. That missionary never did experience any ill effects. She just pled the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and stood on her covenant rights of protection, and she never experience any harm. (Isaiah 54:17; Mark 16:18; Luke 10:19) As a result of that miracle, most of those natives were saved. Yes, we have to deal with Satan and those things that try to come against us to hurt and destroy us, but there is victory in Jesus and in His blood. Let’s not magnify the devil and his work and what he’s doing in our lives. Let’s magnify the victory we have in our blood covenant in Christ over all the works of the devil.[5]

Mrs. C Nuzum wrote: “We must trust the blood of Jesus to deliver us from pain and sickness and disease, for that Blood has brought us away from disease. No matter in what way the enemy comes, whether in discouragement, temptation, sickness, or any other way, he is overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. When Satan tries to put any of his work on us we may say, ‘I have a right to be free from this, for Jesus bought me away from you. You have no claim on me.’ In a town in Texas there were four persons in an auto; they were struck by a train and three of them were killed, but one girl in that auto was under the protection of the Blood, and she came out without a scratch. In Mexico there are scorpions, and many people die as a result of their sting. One of our missionaries was stung by one of them, and it seemed that he would die or lose his arm. I was once stung by one of them, but cried out for the Blood to be upon it, and it did not swell nor pain me; the poison could not take hold because of the power of the Blood.”[6]

Salvation of Loved Ones
Marilyn Hickey writes about a woman who was in the ministry, but her husband of 15 years was not serving God. “She combined the blood with three simple scriptures: according to II Corinthians 4:3, 4, she began to pray that the blindness be removed form Art’s eyes; that laborers are sent to him (Matthew 9:38); and that Art’s heart be washed in the blood of Jesus, according to Hebrews 9:13, 14. Though Billie had asked for laborers before, she never realized that a ‘spiritually blind’ person can’t see or hear the laborers; so she prayed Ephesians 1:17, 18 several times a day to ready him for the laborers.”[7] Because of these biblical prayers, the Blood and the Word were effective and they are now serving God together.

“Therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you”. James 4:7

This is a wonderful promise from God. The word resist here in Greek is anthistemi, from anti, “against” and histemi, “to cause to stand”. This verb means vigorously opposing, bravely resisting, standing face-to-face against an adversary, standing your ground. Just as antihistamine puts a block on histamine, anthistemi tells us that with the authority and spiritual weapons granted to us we can withstand evil force.

One of our spiritual weapons is by faith, holding the blood of Jesus against any attack of the enemy on our lives, the lives of our loved ones (and those in our cluster), our property and any part of our lives. Dr Roy Hicks wrote, “The key to victory and success is this: Steadfastly resist the devil.”[8]

“Do not limit the power of the Blood of Christ to what you understand. There is no greater mystery in the Christian life than the worth and power of His blood. Apply it by faith. Be a child of God who practices the ‘sprinkling of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.’ Sprinkle it anywhere there is evidence of pressure, tension, or any kind of satanic effort to thwart the complete will of God in your life. God wants it for a witness, “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things…” Hebrews 12:24) Praise the Lord the blood speaks.”[9]
[1] Billye Brim, The Blood and The Glory (Harrison House, Tulsa, OK 74153)
[2] Andrew Murray, The Power of the Blood of Jesus (Lakeland 1963)
[3] Carrie Judd Montgomery, Under His Wings (Oakland Triumphs of Faith, 1936), 149
[4] Melanie Hemry, When the Earth Shakes, (Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Believers Voice of Victory, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001), July 1994, Vol. 22 No. 7.) 6-9
[5] Kenneth E. Hagin, The Triumphant Church, (Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Box 50126, Tulsa, OK 74150) 187, 188
[6] Mrs. C. Nuzum, Life of Faith (Radiant Books, Springfield, MO 65802) 50-57
[7] Marilyn Hickey, Release the Power of the Blood Covenant, (Marilyn Hickey Ministries, Denver CO) 83
[8] Dr. Roy Hicks, The Power of Positive Resistance (Harrison House, Tulsa Oklahoma)
[9] W.B.Y., (track) The Blood Speaks (Osterhus Publishing House, 4500 W. Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55422) 877-643-4229

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